Friday, June 26, 2009

This is where Miss Allie is currently staying. It's called the Guixi Social Welfare Institue and is located in the Jiangxi Province of China. It's almost certain that we will fly into Hong Kong. We should be in Hong Kong a few days so that we will get use to the time change and to do some touring. Then we should travel close to where Allie is staying and receive her in a day or two after arriving. It looks as if we should be traveling at the end of July or first part of August. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as the four of us prepare to travel.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Isn't she a cutie pie. Todd and I are getting ready to sign her acceptance letter and head to town to Fed Ex it back to our agency!! Thanks for all the wonderful wishes and comments.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Introducing Miss Allie Grace
8 months old Born 10-12-08
Jiangxi Baby!!