Last Sunday morning I unfortunately found a dead kitten in my front yard. We were all sadden because we knew that our Shepard had gotten a hold of it. Later on in the morning the boys came in a said that Rocket had another kitten in his mouth. They were able to get the kitten from Rocket just in time. At first I thought it was really hurt because it wasn't moving. Well I warmed the kitten and she started to come around. I knew she was young because her eyes weren't even open. Well I made a trip to the vet and bought a bottle and some kitten milk. I had little hope for this baby because she was so young. I would guess 4 or 5 day old at the most. Well this baby started to eat and hasn't slowed down. She shows no signs of being sick or injured. We have had her almost a week and she is doing great. Eats great and sleeps even better! We have to still help her with "potty" needs but she is starting to do that on her own too. I will take her to the vet in the next few weeks to get checked out. Her eyes are now starting to open and she crawls all over the place! The best is when we hear her purr when we are feeding and snuggling with her.
She loves to eat! She is eating a tablespoon every 4 hours or so.
Her little eyes are starting to open.
Trying to escape!