Well little Miss Allie had a lot of first this week. Friday night she attended the high school football game and did great. I had her decked out in the school colors and of course forgot to get a pic. Since big brother is in the marching band she had better get use to this Friday night football thing.
Saturday she was invited to a birthday party and again did amazing. We had really good birthday food and birthday cake! She loved the Winnie the Poo ears.
Today I thought is was safe to go back to church. She sat in the sanctuary with me the entire service. I just kept filling her mouth with Capt. Crunch to keep her quiet. She did great and didn't make a peep.
Tomorrow she will have her first doctors appointment. I'm praying that things will go well and there is not drama. I think I will also go to the Clerk of Court to start on the birth certificate stuff. I can guarantee that our Clerk of Court here where I live will not have a clue what paper work I need to bring them. Enjoy the pics.
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