After a very long flight we are finally in Hong Kong. We arrived at 2am Saturday morning (Hong Kong time)(2pm NC time) Our flight from Newark was delayed 7 hours so that put us getting in really late. We got to the hotel showered and slept until 11am then met Delaine and Gary downstairs. We exchanged money and bought Disney tickets right in the lobby. Our hotel even had a shuttle for Disney so it made the day really easy. This Disney was a lot smaller than the Florida but still fun. The space mountain ride went extremely fast. Once I was off that ride I was done for the day! We are headed out to dinner in a little while. Todd and the boys are sleeping and I'm wide awake. We saw an Outback Steakhouse on our block so we may end up there. We leave tomorrow morning bright and early for Nanchang. We will get Allie that afternoon. Hopefully my next post will have pics of our new baby!!
sissy i'm so excited you would think I was going to china it is 11:45 am our time and I no your haveing trouble sleeping cause of meeting your baby for the first time but you will do great cause you are a wounderful mom and sister its like i can feel your excitment anyway enjoy her and be safe kiss everyone for me talk to you soon.
love niecy
We love getting your updates! I wasn't sure if the delays were going to get in the way of the plans to go to Disney - glad you were able to go! You'll probably get used to the time change as soon as it's time to leave and then will have to get adjusted to the time back here. Can't wait to see the next update!!! Be safe and we love you guys!
It's Sunday and I'm sure you've got Allie by now. We've been checking email, facebook and the blog for any updates. This is such a special time for all of you....we are so excited and can't wait to see pictures!! Most of all, we can't wait to meet her!!
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