Sunday, November 22, 2009

My new do.

Before cutting 6 inches off of my hair.

After!! This will take some getting use to but it was time! It is so much to get myself ready and with 3 kiddos I need all the help I can get. Allie didn't seem to notice so I'm glad I didn't totally freak my baby out.
I'm so excited that Thanksgiving is next week. I will be off work Thursday-Sunday and I am ready to spend some quality time with my kids. It's really hard to be away from Allie 8 hours a day. She is only awake a few hours before putting her down for bed.


Lauri said...

Wow, looks great! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy your time off with those great kids!

Amy said...

You look fab!!!! I did the same thing a month after returning home from China w/Sophie...the 45 min blow out and flat iron just wasnt cuttin it!!! You all look great btw...Allie is a doll! Happy Thanksgiving! Love Amy R